Map of San Rafael

Wait for the bus. We were 9 minutes to late and now we have to wait 2 hours Actually, 2 hours and a half So it is bus time, our bus to go to San Rafael which is that bus So we arrived in San Rafael. Really quiet right now Really quiet. Just walking to the hostel And I got to figure out what we want to do here We arrived at our hostel in San Rafael, which is a tiny town, and a very interesting hostel.

Map of San Rafael Photo Gallery

It is a Sunday, and in this part of the country, in this part of Argentina, on Sunday, literally everything is closed. It is a ghost town, and, we are just trying to find some food because all we had was crackers Because we didn’t have lunch. we didn’t really have breakfast. We are just trying to find food. We found food. Hurrah. And now the winding canyon roads. So this whole day we are doing the Canyon del Atuel It is a huge canyon here about 70 km from San Rafael so it is one of the biggest attactions Class 2 rapids, not to bad. I’ve done 3. I don’t know what that means.

Biking wine tour Number 2. We are still in the Mendoza region and there are some really amazing wineries around, one after another, so, biking wine tour, take two. So we got 1, 2, 3, 4, no wait 5 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of olive oil and 2 bags to carry it for 10 km on a bike. I feel like this could be a poor choice now and a brilliant choice later. And we still have more wineries to go. Potentially. There is thunderstorm coming. Right there We are hoping to make it to the next winery before it starts raining on us. I don’t know why Jurassic Park is playing in this winery. I possibly stumbled on a best thing ever. The only thing I want in my life is a wine fountain. This is really big wine tasting. This is like full, half glasses of wines. Of course is good. That is a lot of wine though. So we added 2 more bottles of wine to our backpacks So, currently there is 4 bottles and olive oil in here and there is I think another 4 bottles in that big bag And we still have to bike back home. This should be very interesting. Oh dear.

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