Massachusetts Metro Map

Massachusetts passes the first mandatory bilingual education transition program in the United States as a result of demographic shifts and the work of activists in the Commonwealth.

Cambridge reimplements rent control, limiting the amount property owners can charge for rent and maintaining affordable housing for lower-income Latino families in the city.

Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. of the Massachusetts U.S. District Court orders Boston public schools to be desegregated after finding a consistent and recurring pattern of racial discrimination against minority students.

The Masters Parents Advisory Council (PAC) in Cambridge complains that the city is failing its responsibilities to Spanish-speaking students in bilingual programs.

The Masters Parents Advisory Council faults the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare’s Office for Civil Rights for violating the civil rights of bilingual students.

Governor Michael Dukakis appoints a refugee advisory council. The following year, Cambridge becomes a sanctuary for Salvadoran refugees. As a result of the sanctuary offered to Central Americans by Massachusetts, the Latino population enters a period of great growth through immigration.

Two days of riots break out between Latino and white youths in Lawrence as a result of that city’s failure to incorporate the Latino population socially and economically.

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