Memphis Subway Map

Finally, in 1945 young Ford called Harry into his office one day and simply terminated his thirty-year career. When the young Ford nervously told his grandfather what he had done, Henry Ford’s simple response was, “Well, now, Harry is back on the street where he started.”

After leaving Ford, Harry’s life was relatively uneventful. He retired and moved to California, where he died in 1979. During his lifetime Harry had three wives and four daughters.

While at Ford, Harry was responsible for many beatings and suspect for numerous murders and disappearances; yet, he had a softer side as well. Harry loved children and doted on his own. Each time his daughters would come to the lodge he would have lavish parties and invite all the local children.

When his seventeen-year-old daughter Trudie (Gertrude) disappeared, his entire service department as well as the FBI went looking for her. He thought she may have been kidnapped. A couple of days later it was discovered she eloped with her boyfriend. When questioned, Harry’s response to reporters, “She is too young to be married.” Yet a few months later he accepted both into the family.

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