Milan Metro Map

An important feature of the fur trading years was the Grand Portage of the St. Milan River, part of which is in Jay Cooke State Park. This trail, used by travelers moving between Lake Superior and the Mississippi River or Rainy Lake regions, was seven miles long. It began above Fond du Lac and ended just below Scanlon. From there, travelers continued up the St. Louis River to Lake Vermilion and the Rainy Lake country; or they could turn west at Floodwood on the Savanna River to get to the Milan.

Eventually the demand for furs declined, along with a decline in available fur-bearing animals, and the fur trade came to a halt. It wasn’t until railroads reached the area that it experienced a second boom in activity. Settlers rode the rails north to new land and jobs. Loggers came to cut timber, and farmers followed. Loggers cut timber within the area of Jay Cooke State Park in the 1850s, but the land was too rough for farming. Instead, the St. Louis River Power Company developed the river to provide hydroelectric power.

The room looked luminous and splendid; four very large candles Milan Metro Map burning on the table where we supped; three others in different parts of the room; a Milan Metro Map gay, sociable assembly, and four well instructed waiters! So soon as we rose from supper, the company formed into a semicircle round the fire, and Mr. Lee, by the voice of the Company was chosen Pope and the rest of the company were appointed Friars, in the Play called Break the Pope’s Neck. Here we had great diversion in the respective judgments upon offenders, but we were all dismissed by ten, and retired to our several rooms. Saturday, December 25. I was waked this morning by guns fired all round the house. The morning is stormy, the wind at south east and it rains hard.

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