Montreal. Map Tourist Attractions

The foursome methodically moved from one area to the next until the shift was over. For more than an hour they pleaded with the spirits to materialize or give some sign of their presence. Jessica offered words of encouragement. She would be happy to give a message to loved ones. The spirits were asked to talk into the devices (audio recorder, EMF meter and K2 meter) with the lights.

Sitting quietly there were times EMF showed life and that would keep everyone alert. Kat’s video camera constantly scanning each room just in case. Eyes and ears strained in the stillness. However, that night was a bit disappointing.

Lorena’s team went straight for the den and I brought up the rear dragging along my three cameras and equipment bag, banging into everything I passed. Why doesn’t Kat ever have that problem with her equipment?

Shortly after settling down in the dark, Doug felt a cool breeze. Moving to his side Lorena noticed it. Hauntings Paranormal is very thorough when investigating. After a few minutes on their knees under tables, a heat vent was discovered in the wall.

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