New York Metro Map

U N. works. Most member’ states have donated works of ***? art which are on display in the Conference Building. These include Persian rugs, North African mosaics, a Chagall stained glass panel, among other treasures. The Security Council Room was a gift from Norway, the Trusteeship Council Room from Denmark and the Economic and Social Council Room from Sweden.

You can buy a sandwich to eat in the garden while you admire the strikingly beautiful skyscrapers lining U.N. Plaza, or you can lunch in the Delegates’ Dining Room, which overlooks the East River, before noon or atter 2 pm. It’s advisable to reserve vour table at the information desk in the lobby.

There is a coffee-shop in the central hall on the lower level. A shop specializing in crafts from all over the world is the place to find original gifts at very reasonable prices. The bookshop sells U.N. publications, and if you are a stamp collector you shouldn’t miss the post office which sells U.N. stamps valid only if posted within the complex.

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