North America Map of Vancouver

We’re off to work. We’re going to work and we wanted to wish you a very, very happy first day. After two months you’re going to love it. Okay the adventure begins, we’re about to take off. And guess who was so kind to give me the window seat. I have some tips. Eat your vegetables. Brush your teeth. Make sure to push that red button behind the camera where your thumb is, make sure to push that. That’s the record button. Filming on the Capilano bridge. Yeah so it’s a big suspension bridge, right? Yeah it’s like..

No you can’t jump. You can’t jump. Brock what do you think? Well I’m a little afraid of heights, so we’re really high up. If this was the Statue of Liberty it would be to like right here on her. Our tripod today, is brought to you by this tree. Because our tripod got snagged. We just finished our first day. Our first whole day is finished. We saw a lot today. Yeah we did a lot. What’s going on Brock. Oh you know just getting rid of some coins. You are the true budget traveler, aren’t you? Max number of coins inserted. You know what’s so bad about this? What? They’re going to give me coins.

North America Map of Vancouver Photo Gallery

Ah, more coins. Oh my god it’s the pinkest bus I’ve ever seen. If Jules had a bus, that would be her bus. We need to buy some batteries and the guy wouldn’t take my money. He said that it’s fake. We got this from the bank, that’s ridiculous. I just found me a little ramen noodles to go. Ramen, Jules loves her ramen. Oh my god, it’s not like you know the 50 cent ramen, it’s like good ramen. Like mhmm good. I’m going to have me a yummy breakfast.

North America Map of Washington DC!

Welcome to DC. We’re off to a shoot. I think we’re going to see the home of George Washington. Just at the Washington Monument. Very cool. And guess where we are? We are in the Lincoln Memorial. Check it out, right there. It’s almost like dancing. Nice dance. Read me spin. What are you doing there, Jules? I’m posting and segwaying. -Alright, we are leaving Washington, DC and heading to.. New York City. The city that never sleeps. So it better not, because we’re actually getting there at midnight. We’re gonna miss our flight. Gotta go, bye.

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