Phoenix Metro Map

Thus, absolutely lost in Thought, and dying with the Phoenix Metro Map very thoughts of drowning, I come up wth the post, who I did not see till Phoenix Metro Map even with his Hors: he told mee he stopt for mee; and wee Rode on Very deliberatly a few paces, when we entred a Thickett of Trees and Shrubbs, and I perceived by the Hors’s going, we were on the descent of a Hill, wch, as wee come neerer the bottom,’twas totaly dark wth the Trees that surrounded it. But I knew by the Going of the Hors wee had entred the water, wch my Guide told mee was the hazzardos River he had told me off; and bee, Riding up close to my Side, Bid me not fear we should be over Imediatly.

I now ralyed all the Courage I Was mistriss of, Knowing that I must either Venture my fate of drowning, or be left like ye Children in the wood. So, as the Post bid me, I gave Reins to my Nagg; and sitting as Stedy as just before in the Cannoo, in a few minutes got safe to the other side, which bee told mee was the Narragansett country. Here We found great difficulty in Travailing, the way being very narrow, and on each side the Trees and bushes gave us very unpleasent welcomes wth their Branches and bow’s, wch wee could not avoid, it being so exceeding dark. My Guide, as before so now, putt on harder than I, wth my weary bones, could follow; so left mee and the way beehind him.

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