Pittsburgh Subway Map

Boy bishops were choristers who, in the Middle Ages, Pittsburgh Subway Map were chosen as mock bishops for three weeks or so before Christmas, each fully robed and treated Pittsburgh Subway Map as though they were real bishops. Return to the road and follow it to its junction with Pound Road. Straight ahead at the junction is Ellanore Lane, but your way now is right, back to the Old House At Home just a few yards ahead of you over the main road. There may be time for a quick stroll in the pleasant centre of West Wittering before you leave. On the opposite side of the road from the Old House At Home is Elmstead, where Henry Royce of Rolls Royce fame had his home. He lived here between 1917 and 1933 and actually discussed and planned the Rolls Royce engine here.

Our tour of the residence ended in the big, homey kitchen. Here meals were prepared and served to the prisoners. A small cutout in the wall remained where the prisoners, who were permitted out of their cells, would come to pick up meals.

From there Laura Ann took us to the basement’s laundry room. This is the area where prisoners, on good behavior, would be locked in to do the laundry. It was considered a privilege.

Hmm, who would think washing dirty clothes and ironing would be considered a privilege. Seriously, who knew? I have enjoyed this privilege all these years and never appreciated it. Kind of makes you rethink the whole idea of good behavior. Ah well, on with the tour.

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