Scottsdale Map

Scottsdale Map To Charlotte

4330 Westmont Dr., 704/401-3200,

HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

COST: Free

The Billy Graham Library isn’t a library at all; it’s a museum honoring the life of Christian Evangelist Billy Graham. The $2.7 million facility opened its doors in May 2007 to much fanfare; former presidents Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton turned out to celebrate its grand opening. One of the permanent exhibits, A Journey of Faith, details the historic moments in Graham’s life, from the 1940s to the present. There are hundreds of photographs that detail Graham’s global reach, including pictures taken with world leaders as well as video footage and audio clips that span six decades. A bookstore and a cafe are also part of the complex (in case learning about everlasting life triggers a craving for cookies). The site also houses a replica of the dairy farm where Graham grew up, complete with a reconstructed brick colonial home that is an exact model of Graham’s childhood home. The home itself is a museum of sorts, filled with period furnishings and accessories, including several original pieces from the Graham homestead. Even the bricks and wood flooring on the main level were reclaimed from the original home and used to build the replica.

And what is more, this Majesty, who is wise Scottsdale Map and not prodigal, reposes such trust in him because of what he has already achieved, that Scottsdale Map he gives him a good maintenance, as Messer Zoanne has himself told me. And it is said that before long his Majesty will arm some ships for him, and will give him all the malefactors to go to that country and form a colony, so that they hope to establish a greater depot of spices in London than there is in Alexandria. The principal people in the enterprise belong to Bristo. They are great seamen, and, now that they know where to go, they say that the voyage thither will not occupy more than 15 days after leaving Ibernia. I have also spoken with a Burgundian, who was a companion of Messer Zoanne, who affirms all this, and who wishes to return because the Admiral (for so Messer Zoanne is entitled) has given him an island, and has given another to his barber of Castione, who is a Genoese, and both look upon themselves as Counts; nor do they look upon my Lord the Admiral as less than a Prince. I also believe that some poor Italian friars are going on this voyage, who have all had bishopricks promised to them. And if I had made friends with the Admiral when he was about to sail, I should have got an archbishoprick at least; but I have thought that the benefits reserved for me by your Excellency will be more secure. I would venture to pray that, in the event of a vacancy taking place in my absence, I may be put in possession, and that I may not be superseded by those who, being present, can be more diligent than I, who am reduced in this country to eating at each meal ten or twelve kinds of victuals, and to being three hours at table every day, two for love of your Excellency, to whom I humbly recommend myself. Your Excellency’s most humble servant.

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