Cruise Inn Hotel

This is the hotel in the Minghua cruise liner permanently moored at Seaworld under Deng Xiaoping’s calligraphy. We talk quite a bit about the history of this ship in the body of this book and this is your chance to live some of that history vicariously. It’s good, clean and well run with very big rooms. Take in the German beerhall or the Brazilian restaurant or just choose from the myriad eating options in the Seaworld Plaza.

07552682 5555

Address: Seaworld, Shekou



The only problem with most of these sites is the long swim involved and having to hike with heavy diving equipment across often slippery rocks. Sadly, there are not the same numbers of crustaceans on the shore sites now compared with some twenty years ago, yet for those divers without a boat or needing a good second dive, the diving here is still first class. The strange names given to the individual Farne Islands date back to the Dark Ages of the 6th and 7th centuries and many remain almost unchanged even to this day: Swedman, Wamses, Knavestone, The Wedums, Megstone, Crumstone and Glororum Shad, to mention just a few. The ancient Celtic influence is most obviously seen in the name Farne itself, which is a derivation of ‘ferann, their word for land. The Farne Islands are the most easterly part of what is known as the Great Whin Sill, a 30-metre seam of igneous rock, mainly hard black dolerite stretching from High Force and Cauldron Snout in Teesdale, some 80 miles to the south. The Whin Sill was formed in recent geological history when streams of molten rock were forced up from the earth’s core like a fast-flowing river. It travelled over 100 miles before cooling down, to leave an almost diamond-hard layer of dolerite rock. The seam stretches right through Durham and Northumberland until it reaches the coast at Cullernose Point, where it can then be seen as vertical cliffs. From here it forms the coastal rocks as far as Dunstanburgh Castle. The igneous rocks of the Great Whin Sill also surface on the mainland at Embleton and two miles west of Bamburgh, where it forms into precipitous 30-metre cliffs.

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