Suzhou Map

The importance of Morton’s Hotel within the geography of the EastLink Tollway is ultimately linked to its association with motorists and to the flow of experience that moves inward and outward folding together places, people, stories, performances, and sensations over time’ (Edensor 2003: 167).


As a transdisciplinary investigation into site-specific public art, drawing upon concepts and research from mobilities studies, this chapter argues that mobile practices and experiences are central to the co-production, animation, performance and control of urban spaces, places and landscapes. Although based upon the logic of contemporary neo-liberalism, the semi-privatized geographies of the EastLink Tollway offer complex, relational assemblages and sensibilities between site-specific public artworks and passing motorists that assist in re-configuring journeys along the route. These dynamic public artworks scattered along the edges of the Tollway assist in the production of place. Further to this they allude to an imaginative driving experience that significantly counters popular negative assumptions and characterizations related to the banal affects and mundane spaces of motorway driving.

Jewellery is prized and flaunted, and valuable pieces are inherited Suzhou Map by daughters. From women’s waist sashes hang silver pendants with coral beads set in them, Suzhou Map and some with turquoises. Coral’s popularity goes far back. Marco Polo mentions it, observing with Venetian shrewdness that it grew more expensive as it was traded inland, especially in Tibet. From their waist sashes many women suspend a metal double hook which Paramon said is for carrying your pails of yak butter. I asked her if yaks’ wool has many purposes and she said that it is so useful that they shear the wool off the yaks and sheep each year.

Suzhou Map Photo Gallery

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