Switzerland Subway Map



Organized campgrounds exist just outside most European cities. Showers, bath rooms, and a small restaurant or store are common; some have more elaborate facilities. Prices are low, usually running US$5-15 per person plus additional charges for tents and/or cars. While camping is cheaper than hostelling, the cost of transportation to the campsites can add up. Some parks or public land allow free camping, but check local regulations before you set up camp.

USEFUL PUBLICATIONS AND RESOURCES. An excellent resource for travelers planning on camping or spending time in the outdoors is the Great Outdoor Recre ation Pages (www.gorp.com). Campers heading to Europe should consider buying an International Camping Carnet. Similar to a hostel membership card, it’s required at a few campgrounds and provides discounts at others. It is available in North America from the Family Campers and RVers Association (www.fcrv.org) and in the UK from The Caravan Club (see below). For info about camping, hiking, and biking, contact the publishers listed below to receive a free catalog.

The Caravan Club, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1UA (UK ©013 4232 6944; www.caravanclub.co.uk). For UK 30, members receive equipment discounts, a 700-page directory and handbook, and a monthly magazine.

The European Federation of Campingsite Organizations, EFCO Secretariat, 6 Pullman Court, Great Western Rd., Gloucester GL1 3ND (UK ©014 5252 6911; www.camp- ingeurope.com). The website has links to campsites in most European countries.

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