Texas Map

Texas Map


Sam Houston National Forest is located in east Texas, in an area of almost flat terrain, with numerous streams and some lakes. It’s forested primarily with pine and hardwoods. Wildlife includes bobcat, fox, and armadillo. There’s one designated wilderness area, the Little Lake Creek Wilderness.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are possible on the 140-mile Lone Star Trail (see entry page 271), which traverses the National Forest and includes a number of loops. There are also some shorter trails. Horses are allowed on trails, and woods roads are open to mountain biking. Fishing is available along streams and lakes. Hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping and campfires are allowed almost anywhere, except near public recreation areas and where posted otherwise. No permits are necessary. Camping is restricted to designated areas during deer hunting season.

For Further Information: Sam Houston National Forest, Homer Garrison Federal Building, 701 North First Street, Lufkin, TX 75901; (409)639-8501.

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