Trail Magic Kindnesses

What is it?

I found out two days ago, it is the magical moments when you come across people that just want to help hikers in any way they can.

Trail magic could be a lift into town and then as an incident that happened to Sketch, the driver gave him $20 to go and buy lunch.

A more common version of trail magic, and it’s a kind that happened to me twice in the space of 10 miles, is when people feed the hikers as they come past.

On the 14th, I was happily in my own little dreamworld when I came across a barbecue complete with tents, chairs, fire and a full breakfast spread. It was set up by the local Baptist church, unfortunately I didn’t get their name. They were serving eggs cooked to order, bacon, biscuits and gravy, fruit, chocolate cookies, brownies and most importantly, coffee. Everything a hungry hiker could wish for.

Trail Magic Kindnesses Photo Gallery

Of course, I gorged myself and chatted away until I was full and moved on to a chorus of farewells and “God bless.”

Oh… as an aside, how do you answer “God bless” as a non religious person? I mean I feel hypocritical or like a bit of an imposter saying, “God, bless” back as I don’t believe in God but you want to answer with something in a similar vein. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears.

Anyhows I’m learning Yankee. I walked along the trail until I came to a section where it crossed a dirt road and there were a couple of guys setting up a barbecue for more trail magic. ‘Red Man’ had done the trail in 2010 and the other guy, his son, had done the A.T. with Red Man and the P.C.T. (Pacific Crest Trail) in 2011 and they wanted to pay back the trail magic they had received.

So, of course, I had to sit down and eat away. Their fare was a little different to the Baptists in that it included beer, wine, and moonshine (my first taste) but I love the concept of trail magic.

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