Travel to Philadelphia

Philadelphia cultural contributions

Latino cultural contributions in Pennsylvania are most evident in Philadelphia, the city with the earliest and most sustained contact with Latin America. One sees these contributions in the city’s murals; cultural and political organizations; festivals; newspapers; and small businesses. However, as pockets of Latino communities continue to grow in other areas of the state, Latino cultural contributions are attaining a broader geographical visibility and importance.

Travel to Philadelphia Photo Gallery

All that was visible of them at the time was the brass loops protruding out of the stony bottom at the base of the reef. There must be dozens of such goodies just waiting to be found by someone willing to take a little more time to look a bit closer at the bottom. Because of the currents, this site is probably the least dived area around the Knavestone. Lots of seals play around this area and there is a profusion of marine life covering the reef walls. Visibility is generally pretty good. A lucky escape This site reminds me of the time my buddy Trevor and I came out with one of his so-called ‘friends’, a guy called Clayton. My little Flatacraft Force Four had enough room in it for two divers and four bottles but Clayton was stuck for a lift, so we reluctantly decided to make do with one bottle each. The sea had been running big for a couple of weeks and there was a 2-3 metre swell rolling in from the nor’east. We decided, nonetheless, to take a run out to the Outer Farnes to weigh up the prospect of a dive somewhere sheltered. We choose the inside of the Longstone which seemed fairly quiet.

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