It’s very trip time we off camp eat we’re going up north two hours away to a place right near jurien bay called certain mechanic sandy k we were going to go into a frog bud or the capsized were sold out a little holidays yeah it’s cool holiday. But we’ll go soon guys we promised this place looks good though it’s right on the beach, and Jake’s come with us alright guys are about half an hour away we just stopped off for a little break it is such a nice drive we like going right along the coast a little bit windy hey guys morning yeah we’re almost there we’re just outside a place called lancelin with he’ll come to San juniper we need a job, I’m a bit of off-roading here, and we are almost there literally like two minutes way I think we’re getting close to the ocean now. So we’ve just come to the spot it’s more of like a it’s a national park it’s a national park you have to fill out one of these forms there’s no one really here you literally just read the signs hey it papi the box, and then keep on going down the road with real sugar in Australia. So we fill it in, and then we’re heading down hopefully there’s some camp spots for us it’s like four in the afternoon very true this is how they get yo you pay, and then you can’t find a spot now they said there’s 50 spots there should be enough.


So we just got to our campground that’s our campsite just there and, I’m just gonna walk up here, and show you guys. But just on top of the hill. So we’ve just got some June’s is the beach who’s that Jess you lost the free frisbee who’s going in together lovely yummy hey guys time to pop up our tents it is exciting good the first time we bought, and we own well I know actual adults right now alrighty we picked our spot where we going to be pitching the tent for the night member alrighty guys we took the growing up for some epic drone shots look how incredible the sunset is it’s so beautiful here enjoying it yes I probably there was three drawings up at the same time when we were flying hours, and it was scary i thought we’re gonna have like drone wars, and the drones were going to crash we did it we found a good spot on the beach ah this is so nice I don’t know about you guys. But I am hungry yes I think we need to start up the BBQ we got some sausages having a sausage sizzle this looks like the ultimate slumber party oh don’t bother. So comfy we’ve got our light in here as well yay you guys never been from South Africa which indicates a Minotaur he’s helping us cook some sausages we’re hungry look at this yes, and this is our like hand side for the night. So you gotta our tent over here got like a pergola thank you then that’s good then is the organized candle homie trip isn’t complete unless we have a campfire which, I’m surprised that we can actually do.

Because I saw some stain no fire. But everyone’s doing it yeah state builder yeah is it just said using the pit oh hi guys is that time of night I feel like when you’re camping you go to bed a bit early it’s not 830. But how much room look out coffee they look there’s like why we bring our dinners not out I brought my data’s about myself yeah, and the lights working good I think it shows how big this tent is alrighty guys I hope you enjoyed our little camping trip we’ve done today we did come in quite late. So there wasn’t really much exploring we could do. But we’re gonna do a lot of exploring tomorrow. But thanks so much reading guys night.

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