Hey Beijing hello guys.

And welcome to the hotel of our exes. I want to show, you what, you can expect here breakfast if you are saying at 4580 hotel you’ll have an option of chinese party. And American breakfast, but here, it’s pretty much just Chinese breakfast we’ve got some fresh pieces of watermelon.


I’ve got some sautéed bok choy. And then. I’ve got steamed buns either a red bean paste steamed bun.

And a green onion. I guess more green vegetables steamed bun. And a coffee pretty much it is all vegan.

I find from. I don’t know these egg missing button, it’s honestly, it’s not been that bad eating vegan. And vegetarian here in Beijing there’s surprise a lot of options, you have to look for that, you just have to put a bit more effort into it cuz there are a lot of specific vegetarians vegans well vegetarian restaurants because of the religion certain section of the practice room don’t eat me.

So all, you guys do is search up those. And all the food there’s been amazing. So far.

So anyways. I’m gonna eat my breakfast there’s a little bit of insight for, you all right guys no for lunch today we are eating at Buddha bite is a vegetarian restaurant indeed 798 art district. So excited for this food venues.

So these are a mango. I think, it’s like a mango jelly like a free appetizer with our tea first up, this is a mushroom. And cabbage soup, this is amazing ok guys we are in for a thief.

So, this is a mango. I believe mango shallots. And tomato Cup then we have green tea mushrooms peppers looks like oil.

And then we have, this is imitation chickens with like a spicy imitation chicken with words have, you tried it yet all right we got another dish here and, this is bean curd fried up and I leave another type of soy sauce Chinese. So, it’s more of a sharing style he ordered a bunch of different dishes.

And there were all the carrots. I totally forgot, this is a asparagus cashew. And the black are tree fungus the tree fungus yeah like, you made like a creamy mushroom, it’s really good though.

I got some at Pina Bausch. And vegetarian food restaurants about the corner of Washington. And on the man Street.

So, this is fried cauliflower. And shoot. And peppers.

I got my sauce. And green tea right guys dish number two noodles. I don’t know what type of news are providing the rice noodles with bean sprouts looks like some bok choy.

I don’t know what that is. And that looks like spicy sauce oh no it looks really really really really good, it’s really good thank goodness this hot spicy there because the. I like spice though.

I usually give holler a fight quite well and I enjoy nice, but like a little bit of burning space. I know what.

I do they play in the with other people. And we’re trying not sufficient other time, it’s just me myself most of the time. I don’t actually finish all the food because these are big dishes okay.

I’m working a morir a topo literally all that, you see today. I have a super smoothie very boring but. I love it so.

I picked up a whole lot of food Chinese tree. ?

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