Argentina Subway Map

COLLUTHUS of Alexandria 4th c.. Presbyter, founder of a sect. Following his claim to be a bishop on what basis we do not know, the Council of Alexandria of 324 declared him a mere presbyter and that ordinations conferred by him were invalid Athan., Apol. sec. 12, 75-77, 80. From a letter of Alexander of Alexandria preserved by Theodoret HE I, 4, it seems that Colluthus began his schism before the condemnation of Arius. It has been thought, on the basis of some expressions in this letter, that Colluthus received money to confer orders and that he separated because he thought Alexander’s position on Arius too bland: the name Colluthus is first among the presbyters who subscribed to Alexander’s condemnation of Arius Gelas. Cyz., HE II 3, 21. Epiphanius Haer. 69, 2, 4-7 mentions him as founder of a sect which soon disappeared. Following Filaster Haer. 79, later heresiologists considered Colluthus a supporter of the doctrine that God could not be held to have created evil, in contradiction of Is 45:7. COLLYRIDIANI. Epiphanius names this sect in the masculine Anc. XIII,8, saying that its followers offered twice-baked bread called collira see Lev 7:12; 8:26 to Mary. He later explains Haer. 78,23; 79,1 that they were a female sect active in Arabia in the late 4th c., who venerated the Virgin as a deity and communicated once a year with bread offered to her on an altar.

Instead, the dynamic between masters and African Country slaves was based on power and fear, and, as a result, laws were quickly enacted to address the master-slave relationship. Argentina Subway Map Colonial slave codes were heavily based on similar laws that had existed for decades in Caribbean slave culture. Although slave codes varied somewhat from one colony to the next, the effect was overwhelmingly uniform: African slaves were effectively redefined, and they were now legally considered to be property rather than human beings. Under the slave codes, African Countrys could not bear arms, they were forbidden to move about freely, and their rights to freely assemble or to seek legal redress were eliminated. The killing or maiming of one’s own slaves was legalized as a property right; injuring or killing a slave owned by another was prosecuted as a crime against that owner’s property. Rules for maintaining order among slave populations mandated various forms of punishment for misbehavior, such as guidelines that required whipping any slave who attempted to strike a white person. It is important to realize that such slave codes were in force in all of the colonies, although harsher laws were more prevalent in Southern areas.

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