Hey guys we are just reading the beautiful sunrise here in Seward, and then we are just going to go pack up our tents. Because we are leaving to a place called Homer which is about 4 hour drive that ice field we climbed yesterday is pretty much in the middle between us, and home us we’re gonna have to go ride around to get to a love you more smoking Hey guys we currently an hour, and a half away from home oh we have been driving down I think it’s down or often around to harima from where we were last night we just stopped at a place where it is showing all these volcanoes which is pretty cool you didn’t know Alaska has volcanoes, and smoke hello every now, and then it’s assuming thank God there’s one of the volcanoes, and there is another okay no.


So we’ve just arrived in holy man I think most of us had a nap. Because you have to get up. So early we’re just gonna be spending the next two days here, and you’re just gonna be on the beach it looks looks nice we just hit this little view point that’s where we’re staying see that little thing coming out he comes we’re here. So nice you know right on the beach should be good how long did that take about four hours yeah, I’m gonna show you guys that we’re camping right on the beach fee for the campground, and then we got the water, and then we got the mountains very pretty spot just set up all the contents which are good they’re all there along the beach I just had some lunch, and we’re like right at the end of the spin. So we’ll just show you guys around here when Tommy comes back with the van we will show you down spit yeah Homer guys it’s really cool we found this wall, and there’s just a little trinkets on here like some keys I’ve got this toilet that’s growing some plants I know it’s always just whatever represents this town I think don’t like this just a dead fish bone population of population every was around 4,000 people definitely mainly for fishing they feature halibut, and they can get really really big.

So I think some people in our group might go fishing I know one of the night. So everyone’s having fish for dinner as well singers were in the few ways, and it is a really good place to find bears. Because all the Bears come to eat the fish bears we could see better yeah awesome yeah we could see this yeah I just love how we get to come right on the beach like we’ve put our tents. So close to the water hopefully we don’t yeah hi doesn’t come we made it. So when we open our tent we can open up right onto the water which is really cool um, and those things were like yeah all along here’s all these mountains the Duvall knose yeah there’s volcanoes it’s like right on the Ring of Fire um yeah our home isn’t really on the Ring of Fire along the Ring of Fire oh okay right I think the Ring of Fire was with yeah, I’m pretty sure in the last year goes through it I think, I’m gonna google it tell me, I’m right the grounds within the Kern is now closing it’s quitting time they say give it time. But I gave it all mine now, I’m driving run homer just seeing what the place looks like we’re just here in like the residence section welcome to the Justin Ryan cookies max we’re gonna be making burgers with meat from a tube. So what you want to ready wait how’s the cooking coming along good yes our burger patties they’re coming along good oh you put the mushrooms in oh I actually just saw a slab of butter just fall down final final output my final of course oh you better my man for what it’s worth I try to put everybody that I love first don’t get carried away to be very true just had a lovely dinner if I might say.

So myself well you made the burgers mmm that’s really good. But now we’re just reading the sunset warming up by the fire right on the beach this is probably my favorite spot we’ve camped up, I’m sorry pretty I love it doesn’t mean you win we get to fall asleep to the sound of the beach be cool we’ve never done this before I’ve never camped on the beaches can’t camp on the beach in Australia we’re not in the places we no, I’m sure you can somewhere yeah yeah. But yeah thanks so much for reading guys um I think we’re gonna have a sleep in tomorrow we do we gotta sleep, and we don’t have to go to breakfast or 9:30. So, I’m definitely sleeping it, I’m so tired. But yeah thanks for reading, and we’ll see you guys tomorrow good night guys.

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