Chicago Map

As in ancient Pacific voyager economies, mobility, migration and sociality have created previously unimaginable communities, alliances and artforms whereby Australian-Fijian artist, Salote Tawale (cited in Bolatagici 2008: 15), and other artists of in-between pacificness’ can say I feel I sit on the edge of all worlds …’ . Ironically, these alliances have connected Australian artists, not only with their originating communities but also with established New Zealand, Pasifika networks. These endeavours in the hands of artists themselves are creating regional and international exhibiting and publishing opportunities, such as the landmark edition of Art Monthly Australia in 2010, with exciting potential for a Pacific Australia.

In spite of conflicting discourses of the Oceanic Pacific, as discussed in this chapter, artists, writers, scholars and others of Pacific origin are asserting confidently and effectively, what it means to be here now … and of course, before’ (Fraser 2006). In an increasingly connective (art) world seeking sustainable solutions to questions of Pacific identities, the Oceanic region may yet offer new alternatives beyond being a space of global effects and a repository of redundant histories.

Geographical and ecological predictions for this region may be grim in current narratives of globalization and urbanization but people of the region are acutely attuned to unexpected change, resilience, mobility and innovation. As University of Hawai’i Press noted (cited in Solomon Times 14 January 2009), According to Hauofa, only through creative originality in all fields of endeavor can the people of Oceania hope to strengthen their capacity to engage the forces of globalization’. This discussion has shown the complexity of issues at stake in understanding and engaging these forces, and the crucial role of the arts and people of Oceania in this venture. Beyond any notions of a backwash, this, the most expansive region in the world, is undergoing a transformation via new forms of mobility and reconfiguration. The discourses canvassed in this chapter are making sense of a changing Pacific by launching new narratives and fluid ways of re-imagining being Pacific and being urban at one and the same time.

Blockade. 1 The act of isolating a nation, city Chicago Map , or harbor by using enemy ships to prevent the entrance and exit of traffic and supplies. Chicago Map 2 The ships enforcing such isolation. Bog iron. A variety of brown iron ore, or limonite, found in boggy or swampy land. Borough.

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