Cleveland Map

Broad-winged Hawk

You may see a Broad-winged Hawk on your hike around Rogers Lake. It’s not difficult to miss if one should scold you from an overhead perch along the trail as you pass through its territory. But you may get only a glimpse as it disappears through the trees. While the Broad-winged Hawk is one of the most numerous birds of prey nesting in North America, it prefers secretive nesting sites within large continuous forests.

Arthur Cleveland Bent, a well-known ornithologist in the early part of this century, writes about the Broad-winged Hawk: In May, when the tender, freshly opened oak leaves are as big as a crow’s foot, when the farmer goes out to sow his com, and when the hosts of warblers are migrating through the treetops, then may we look for the home secrets of the Broadwings. They are gentle, retiring, quiet birds of the deep forests.

Broadwings belong to the group of raptors known as buteos large, soaring hawks with rounded wingtips and banded tails. They are among the smallest buteos, with a wingspan of just over three feet. The wings are white to cream underneath with a dark border on the trailing, or back, edges; the tail has broad black and white bands with the last white band being wider than the others. The head, back, and wing-tops are dark brown.

Within a decade of the Spaniards’ arrival, the population had Cleveland Map plummeted to around 60,000. By 1531 the number had shrunk to about 600. It Cleveland Map was not long thereafter that the last of the native population vanished from Hispaniola forever. Other than some archaeological remains, there is no trace of the Taino once having lived in Haiti. Strangely, today’s Haitian culture is almost exclusively African and European. Few, if any, Taino cultural practices were passed down.

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