Egypt Map

Egypt Map To Charlotte

Many soldiers and servitors, in the end of the wars Egypt Map , that might be hurtful to this realm, may there be unladen, to the common profit Egypt Map and quiet of this realm, and to our foreign benefi[t] there, as they may be employed. 22. The frye [children] of the wandering beggars of England, that grow up idly, and hurteful and burdenous to this realm, may there be unladen, better bred up, and may people waste countries to the home and foreign benefit, and to their own more happy state. 23. If England cry out and affirm, that there is so many in all trades that one cannot live for another, as in all places they doe, this Norumbega (if it be thought so good) offereth the remedy. Source: Charles Deane, et al., eds., Documentary History of the State of Maine, Vol. 2 (Portland: Bailey and Noyes, 18691916), 15261. The Jamestown Settlement (16071609)

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