Leave it to me to go hiking up the mountainside here in Fiji in flip-flops and bathing suit. Good job Nadine, you really planned ahead there. Like seriously, what is this? So right now, I am doing the Ultimate Fiji tour, it is one of the local tours with one of the local tour providers here in Fiji, here in Namosi, this is the name of the mountain and the region and one of the local villages that we are going to be visiting today. Oh my, this is horrible, there is lots of mud. Nadine, Nadine, oh my goodness, what is this Nadine is officially walking in bare feet, hiking in bare feet through the mud.

EPIC WATERFALLS Suva Fiji Photo Gallery

I’ve just hiked up and down the mountainside for two hours in my bare feet. Seriously, take a look at this They are actually in lot of pain as well right now There is a lot of rocks, mud and poo that I stepped through today and bush, a lot of bush I wanted to show you around at the place we are staying here, called the Uprising Beach Resort As you can see behind me, there is a beach and a resort. So we stayed here for a couple of nights and unfortunately the weather hasn’t been the greatest which we can’t really control that, but I just wanted to give you guys a tour mainly because I have been doing room tours and now this is like a property tour,so you can see this is like their beach area, and then there is the volleyball sport and then there is like a bar here. If we were here during happy hour we would be able to get drinks literally right on the beach.

Pretty wicked. There is a bunch of villas that you can sleep in, there is also like dorm room so it has like a variety of budget or non budget options, depending on your budget. So this is the pool area. Cool, but again, weather, so not going to be there, and then there is the main restaurant area where you eat lots of yummy foods All right Go Pro cam. It’s time to get going again and we are going Ziplining. You are going to be perfect for this.

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