Glendale Metro Map

All the while you have been gaining height and you can Glendale Metro Map now reward yourself by looking back at a quite majestic view which includes Arundel Castle and the lowland Glendale Metro Map countryside beyond, stretching to the sea which will also be visible on a clear day. On reaching the footpath sign at the edge of the wood, turn left to follow a track which skirts this wood, and enjoy glorious views to the Arun Valley and the South Downs rising up behind.

Beyond the wood the track bends left, but you continue in roughly the same direction along a signed path, again very indistinct, but use as your marker the left-hand end of a line of chalk cliffs you should see ahead of you. If you can’t, you either had one glass of wine too many with your lunch and would be well advised to head home again while the going’s good, or it’s wet or misty, or possibly both, and therefore you won’t have been so foolish as to have left the lunch table in the first place. Using the left end of the cliffs to guide you, you should see a stile ahead of you at the edge of further woodland. Go down to the stile, cross it and now follow a much clearer path quite steeply downhill.

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