All right. So, this is currently the plan of the day we are driving to the other side of the island because they’re kind of chasing a bit of weather here, but we want to visit the bleu cheese.

So this area is where we are currently staying. And located. And we are driving all the way up here all right boys tickets are purchased to go to the loo caves, but a five minute or.


So. And now we worked up a huge appetite from swimming in the blue caves we stop thoughts at one of the restaurants lining the water. And we are getting ourselves delicious Greek food.

I got myself a lovely Greek salad no cheese, this is the eggplant salad which. I’ve been enjoying. And then.

I’ve green salad with cheese, you guys got the chicken flu back. So we’re gonna enjoy this Greek food. And enjoy this great view we are at our last sightseeing stop to date, this is shipwreck beach it has been number one sight to see here in zakynthos because well it is a ship wrecked on a beach normally, you could take a boat to take, you around the island to see the shipwreck from the water, but because the waves are super choppy today we’re just gonna get a few point from above which is still pretty epic we just checked into our accommodation here in psych anthos, this is not a park Resort.

And Spa it is one of the best western premiere properties that we use our points to book there’s actually over 4,100 hotels around the world that, you can use your best Western Rewards points to book stays in including Greece. So, this is where we’re staying while we’re eating takeout this. And we’re gonna take full advantage of that because, this is an all-inclusive Resort which means drinks.

And foods included. So we’re gonna go hit that out, but first let me give, you a little bit of a hotel room door we’re now sitting by the pool enjoying a little bit of the Blues on takeoff dough for our poolside afternoon take full advantage of the free cocktail. And enjoy a little bit of Greek fun Cheers y’all ready for this we are currently in st.

Nicholas Beach on the southern tip of the island now we’re gonna head out do some more sports there’s a budget for water sports EDG here but I think that we’re gonna rent a couple of sea-doos. I don’t know.

I wake up at your place wake up in mind same goes to know. So we hired a private boat rental to take us to the southern tip of Zakynthos. So we’re gonna do some word game hopefully, you see some turtles, you look really funny in he’s coming after, you we just get a place together skilled drivers.

I would not be able to to go inside all these getting. So close all them white boys with big windows in my shuttle why don’t we just get please together morning are so much better watch we just park the boat here on Turtle Island.

And you’re gonna enjoy this sandy beach for a little bit we got ourselves a couple of brewskis. And all right won’t, you call that a do not bender water storm a boat store floating bar floating bar. So, this is Turtle Island.

I mean. So we can’t actually go in here because there are sea turtles nesting enjoy our little pit stop taking the low son before we head back wake up. ?

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