Hawaii places to stay

Hee differed only in this from the old fellow in to Hawaii places to stay ‘ther Country: bee let us depart. However, I thought it proper to warn poor Hawaii places to stay Travailers to endeavour to Avoid falling into circumstances like ours, wch at our next Stage I sat down and did as followeth: May all that dread the cruel feind of night Keep on, and not at this curs’t Mansion light.’ Tis Hell; ’tis Hell! and Devills here do dwell: Here dwells the Devill surely this’s Hell. Nothing but Wants: a drop to cool yo’r Tongue Cant be procur’d these cruel Feinds among.

Plenty of horrid Grins and looks sevear, Hunger and thirst, But pitty’s bannish’d here The Right hand keep, if Hell on Earth you fear! Thus leaving this habitation of cruelty, we went forward; and arriving at an Ordinary about two mile further, found tollerable accommodation. But our Hostes, being a pretty full mouth’d old creature, entertain’d our fellow travailer, ye french Docter, wth Inumirable complaints of her bodily infirmities; and whispered to him so lou’d, that all ye House had as full a hearing as bee: which was very divirting to ye company, of which there was a great many, as one might see by their sneering.

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