How to Travel in Rome

A Great First Day in Rome

Hey from Florence I am leaving now, I’m going to get my bus to Rome and, I’m really excited. So Hey I am now in room Google Maps says that, I’m about a 30 minute walk from the city center which in my experience means it’s gonna be about a ten minute walk Google Maps just walks really slow, I’m gonna go out, and explore now, and get some coffee this is one of the biggest Cathedral in Rome something that I am loving about walking around here is that you’ll just be walking, and you see these things that are so old I mean even past the Middle Ages like a lot of cities in Europe you’ll see things built in the fourth century or just really amazing it’s so amazing there’s so much to see this is just. So incredible these ruins like this you really get a sense that you’re walking through history as you are the Sun is really bright today. So sorry like squinting this is just magnificent very majestic just walking through here it really makes you think actual ancient Romans we’re walking here, and on the floors that you see right there I think in a lot of historical places it’s easy to kind of forget that. But here I really feel it that’s what just where I was that’s what it used to look like I love these books I read it in line, and have come inside the Roman ruins the forum.

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So so excited to be in here it’s perfect in here on this place out doggies flower at the top now, and climbed up back down now or at least I think I am there’s not really that many signs here has been. So amazing just walking through these ruins definitely one of my favorite things that I have done in Europe. So far my favorite thing about it wasn’t really a specific place or area of it. But just the fact that it really gives you a sense that you’re walking through history, and that you are standing in places with such a rich history, and meaning behind them where people in history walked, and lived, and carried out their lives, and I love history I love visiting historic places. But not all of them make me feel that way. So here is just. So epic definitely a special place, and tomorrow I will be going to the Coliseum.

So kind of more of that as well, I’m pretty tired now it’s a bit of a hike walking in here. So I think, I’m going to try, and find a coffee, and some lunch heading back to my Airbnb now I have to do some boring things like laundry they can tell that this wall behind me is quite bold. Because of the marks that you see there they were used as some places to fire arrows from. So they’re very wide on the other side, and then the parts that you see here are very narrow. So that no one else. So majestic I love the romantic great way to walk around my other thing lately has been walking around cities with gelato hello. So I think, I’m going to end the day here.

Because as I said earlier I just have some things to do that are more boring, and I doubt that you want to see me do my laundry, and stuff like that, and take a shower. So well maybe someone would be interested in seeing me take a shower. But anyway alright see you tomorrow bye.

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