Johannesburg East Rand Map

This is a large, unmissable building which, when I Johannesburg/East Rand Map walked this route, was easily identifiable by a flagpole and Union Jack. A detour off the Johannesburg/East Rand Map bank to the restaurant will be rewarded with welcome cups of tea, ice cream and more solid refreshment if you decided to forgo a meal in the Old House At Home earlier.

Return to the bank and pass to the seaward side of a line of beach huts, then, having left those behind, look out for a slipway to your left, beside the buildings of the surfing club. Make your way up the slipway into a car park, then walk through the car park to arrive at the access road linking West Wittering with the car park for East Head. Turn right onto the access road and follow it back to West Wittering. You somewhat smugly pass the pay gate – assuming you parked on the main street in the village for nothing, or came by bus – and then continue, heading more decisively away from the sea, using a footpath that runs parallel with the road.

Johannesburg East Rand Map Photo Gallery

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