Khartoum Metro Map

The disembodied voices captured in the basement once more reflected the activities that supposedly took place down there. The cool, first level was used to entertain, cards and business on those hot summer days.

Harry could be talking about a girlfriend when this was picked up, “I got her the real thing.” Maybe Harry bought his lady-love a diamond or mink. We also heard, “Like that,” and, “I am already there.”

During our investigation, everybody felt uneasy in the sub-level basement. Each one of us thought we were being watched and something was just about to happen. Maybe the tunnel made it feel creepy, or the rumors of murder, beatings and illegal booze. One thing is certain, this room was not a happy place and we could all sense that feeling.

The disembodied voices that were recorded in the sub-basement reflect emotion, fear and torment. They were at times very disturbing to listen to. They never responded to our direct questions but seemed to be words coming out of the walls in desperation. What the audio captured was, “Hiding,” “Don’t give up,” “Not like this.” The most disturbing was the last voice that whispered, “Back from hell.”

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