Larco Museum and Magic Water Circuit Evening Tour in Lima Peru

We are in for a treat tonight, we are gonna check out two of Lima’s most popular attractions, the Larco Museum and the sound and light show at the Parque de la Reserva, it’s gonna be a good night, let’s go. What I love most about this museum is that all of the artifacts really pop out at you. It’s really dark, the light shine right in on the gold and the silver and the ceramics that really makes it come alive.

Larco Museum and Magic Water Circuit Evening Tour in Lima Peru Photo Gallery

This textile behind me is really interesting because ancient Incas didn’t know anything about Jesus until the Spanish came and so this art here has Jesus in the middle so this was obviously made after the Spanish came. Alright, we’ll finish up here at the museum. Now, it is time for a little treat, we’re gonna try some Pisco sours. This bad boy right here is made of lemon, sugar and egg white, seems pretty simple but it is so, so good. Cheers buddy. Alright, the sun has gone down with the lights and the water has come up. We’re now at Parque de la Reserva, it is time for a show.

What an amazing end to a wonderful afternoon, we started out at the Larco Museum, then we had a little Pisco sour and finished it off with one of the best water light show that I’ve ever seen.

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