Friday morning August 26 2018, and today is our last full day in Bonin croissant let’s do this since it’s our last day today we’re doom. So exploring we’re going all the way up to the very northern part of the island, I’m just heading down now to get the car Jessica still getting ready normal EFT from your Tao you’re on this road, and right now we’re both here I thought it was literally going to get past. So why did they call the thousand steps climbing back up this after you dive with your dive tank which is like 50 pounds it feels like a thousand bucks right that’s right okay this is Jessica post take over. But look what I found I found the jackpot of salt oh my god we saw look at you know I tried something that’s all salt now I got sand my hand flow to it she just picks them up the top yeah first. So bro it’s flakes – it’s like the good flaky sea salt oh that’s so good I want to take this home with me look at that nice flaky sea salt look at that how’s it taste it’s good salt oh my PMS is turning into an alien here , and we’re stopping on the coast at all these beaches this is as close to a pink sand beaches we’re gonna get if you look right down there you can just see little bits of pink coral mixed in with that sand pretty cool we have one more beach to stop that before we head to lunch this is schlagg by beach in the national park, and right here is a nice clip into some deep blue water are you sure you want to do this people jumpy right , and you guys swimming back into Shore I jumped twice. But I got nervous.


Because I thought I felt this thing. But, I’m not sure if it is just my bug bites or not yeah beautiful that is without clear the water is down here too that’s all water there just looks like glass back down Heather grab our shoes we’ve been jumping for about 20 minutes now we could have spent all day here this is by far one of the nicest beaches in the world it’s amazing we are now in the village over in Collin in the northern part of the island very different from the south all right we are looking for some bug spray. Because the bugs are pretty bad up here Jessica blades are all bit up on the bug spray. But I think you just could feeling cockroaches all right we’ve got the goods some iguana food some bug spray some snacks for us we’ve walked down a path into the middle of the desert woods I wouldn’t even call this woods we have treats, and we’re being greeted by some iguana Eric has five fat iguanas here little lizard down here. But five fat ganas are trying to get his banana, and no we’re out in the middle of the woods right now this is a wild iguana she loves your banana peel, I’m still posting you doing a pet him yeah Jessica got stretch pretty bad okay scratch on her leg by birds we have left the National Park, and we’re back in the village of ring Colin we’ve been driving around cactus for the past probably four hours, and we are about to have kaduche eat cactus in the core you good how are you good thank you have you ever tried drinking a cactus never ever ever well this is your chance here we go first what’s the smell like I don’t know how to this guy like a little bit it’s good oh yeah it tastes like a very piney almost okay. So pine yeah it could be a woman inspectors employ it’s very good yeah we’d like to know how we make it yeah come with me to the distillery, and know how we make a stop this here is the kedusha cactus that is the species that we used to make our liquor well oh oh oh oh just one second its first pair we’ve seen their nest areas I love the iguanas Jessica loves the birds we have found the jackpot parrots on Bonaire they say they love the trees. But I think it’s the boobs it’s pronounced nature, and we have a lot of parrots here, and a lot of birds we love birds.

So we we cherish them here, and we respect let me tell you let me show you how we harvest is cactus you can watch the birds in no problem part of this 80% alcohol we will be still another time to produce 95% pure alcohol that’s what I have here 95 you cannot drink no can’t run a car on it we use it to extract come on play or of the peel of the line that’s where you taste from, and the peel of the cactus the two main ingredients of the key to she liquor the line will take about one month to extract the cactus will take about half a year half a year for the time we filter out these alcohols, and those two alcohols together with this alcohol are the main ingredients of our recipe they go into our mixing tank over there together with some secret ingredients every single drink we have tried, and Eric has given us the certificate, and we have tried every single drink this is a bigger moment than getting the open water certification Thank You great now that we’re certified, and we’ve had what 10 drinks in the past 15 minutes you think it was so good we couldn’t stop. But we’re back here now we’re in Eric’s garden, and earlier we were talking at the bar. But it’s kind of loud, and Eric was telling his story about how he got the bone area longer my wife, and me we just we came on anymore in 1997, and we fell in love with the island. So after 10 years of vacationing even said what are we gonna do are we gonna keep on dreaming of leaving living ones on poner I just try it, and see what happens.

So with our jobs we sold our house, and I can tell you it’s saying you can only regret the things that you did not do, and I really think that is true just see what happens if you succeed you have a happy life if you don’t succeed you can always always go back to your old life, and you tried, and we tried, and we have a successful business now Rhea, and we love it here on the island it’s such a powerful story now that’s something I try to get across in these posts especially with what we’ve even been doing in the past two years if you want to do something go, and do it, and now look at you you’re in Bonaire we’re trying cactus the core there’s parrots all around in the trees iguanas post chuckling myself you had a kind of loud yeah if you want to do something life just do it don’t think about it too much just go for it I mean for you a couple of drinks Jessica is drunk off cactus yeah if you are ever in Bonaire come to Cadoo she some of them a few can drink if you’re of age come to kedusha some of the best liqueur that we’ve ever had Jessica’s petting a cat now are you gonna take this cat home back to New York let’s see here how far is in New York City New York City is a nice 3,200 18 kilometers away you love Jessica alright one picture, and then we’re going back to town are you ready for this we’re doing some double-oh-seven mission right now we are at Harbor Village, and we are having drinks with friends right across here instead of walking all the way around how adventurous, and feeling hot go first yeah it’s safe is it worth walking all the way around I think it can be done it’s like a 10-minute walk to go all the way back around, I’ll go first and, I’ll hold you oh there she goes adventure woman Jessica, and you see right over there that’s where the party is, and just like that we made it what’s the home to quarrel that wasn’t such a bad idea huh good surprise we made it we’re meeting breccia, and mark here, and then some other people’s a lot of what well we’re back at the Harbor Village walking through the jungle on the way to our room we have all these leftovers from the dinner amazing dinner what’s that did you hear that probably no guano amazing end to the day on the beach at the bar with friends we met a lot of cool people down here a lot of cool people it’s one of the first places I’ve been to them really sad to leave Hey I mean I feel like a lot of places recently I’ve been sad to leave. But especially poner oh my god.

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