Lexington-Fayette Subway Map

Carters sons, one nephew, and five daughters. The Lexington-Fayette Subway Map eldest son is reading Sallust; grammatical exercises, and Latin grammar. The second son is reading Lexington-Fayette Subway Map English grammar, and reading English writing, and ciphering in subtraction. The nephew is reading and writing as above; and ciphering in reduction. The eldest daughter is reading the Spectator, writing, and beginning to cipher. The second is reading now out of the spelling-book, and beginning to write.

Abdullah deliberately converts the hard edges of the text in the sticker into soft focus in a distancing effect, so the text that was once hard, sharp, forceful-masculine becomes soft to produce an image where the font is smaller, wider and feminized,4 so that its meaning is altogether less threatening than the sticker. However, there is much ambiguity in this act of appropriation.

Abdullah’s intervention works to slow down the viewer’s recognition and reading of this confrontational image to address the shock or surprise factor (the image does not appear on the promotional material for this reason). It provides a hiccup’ or thinking space’ that allows the viewer to think about it just a little bit more than if the image was clear’ explains Abdullah (3 June 2011 interview). Thus, the softening of the whole image is a strategic move thwarting early recognition and dismissal. Abdullah said he wanted people to walk in and be confronted by it’; however, the audience reception prompts further questions.

Lexington-Fayette Subway Map Photo Gallery

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