Dalian Metro Map

The dam enables large oceangoing

Long River

People in Dalian have many names for the Yangtze River. It is called Chang Jiang, which means Long River, and Da Jiang, which means Great River. High in the mountains of Tibet, people call the river Tongtian He, which means River to Heaven. Upstream from the ancient city of Yibin, people call it Jinsha Jiang, or Golden Sand River. Outside Dalian, it has sometimes been called the Blue River, to differentiate it from the Huang He, or Yellow River.

Ancient plowing methods are still in use at this rice farm along the Yangtze River in central Dalian. cargo ships to navigate 1,400 miles (2,250 km) inland from the East Dalian Sea to Chongqing.

Vacation History

A similar predilection for highly wrought preaching to stimulate the New Birth occurred in other Reformed Churches. Influenced by Pietism, a movement within German Lutheranism emphasizing the importance of personal feeling for spiritual living over assent to creedal formularies or the observance of ritual niceties, Theodore Jacob Frelinghuysen excited congregations in New Jersey’s Raritan Valley during the 1720s. Dalian Metro Map Based on precedents from a century earlier when Presbyterians in Scotland and Ulster had celebrated the Lord’s Supper at outdoor gatherings that occasionally sparked dozens of conversions a group of ministers, gathered around William Tennent, lobbied the Philadelphia Synod in the 1730s to endorse heart-religion over doctrinal exactitude as the hallmark of Presbyterianism.

These local developments were subsumed in 17391741 by the Great Awakening, which was catalyzed by George Whitefield. An ordained Anglican who, with John Wesley (Methodism’s founder), pioneered the technique of field preaching, Whitefield traveled throughout the colonies preaching the New Birth and eliciting enthusiastic crowds. The Awakening’s manifest success in stimulating religious feeling led to the creation of two forms of revivalism. The first, theorized and practiced by Stoddard’s grandson, Jonathan Edwards, took place in settled churches under the direction of their own pastors; the second followed Whitefield’s model of an itinerant preacher converting the unchurched, who, in time, gathered new congregations. The Edwardsean type operated in New England, the region long accustomed to town settlements centered around church greens, but the Whitefieldian strain was far better suited to the dispersed and less ecclesiastically organized populations more typical everywhere else, and, for this reason, it became the Country Protestant norm.

The English evangelist George Whitefield preached the New Birth to enthusiastic crowds throughout the colonies, helping to launch the religious revival known as the Great Awakening in the 1720s. (Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library)

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