Los Angeles Metro Map

Assuming you have detoured along to the end of the firm Los Angeles Metro Map sandy path, return to where the boardwalk leads off, and use it to climb into the Los Angeles Metro Map area of dunes which make up the ‘centre’ of East Head and which, with no restrictions on access, provide a paradise for energetic children who will love playing amongst the soft sands. Shortly, another boardwalk goes off to the left, and you need to take this left turn.

Soon, you take another left turn and follow the boardwalk back to the neck of the spit of East Head. This is a lovely little stretch of path, giving you a grandstand view of the waters of Chichester Harbour on both sides of the spit. It is, however, the scene to your right that will interest you more, as this is the point where the comparatively calm waters of Chichester Harbour are met by the open sea. On a stormy day – if you are brave enough to venture out – this is a great place to watch the huge waves crashing against the shore.

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