Map of Cusco Peru

Hey guys it is stain stick we’re at the airport in Cusco trying to get to Brazil, but the problem is they’re trained apparently when this right here we can’t fly. So our play that’s been cancelled.

And now we are just chillin that’s pretty exciting travel we’re back from the airport. And we’re back in Cusco yeah. I know, you guys see all the fun.

Map of Cusco Peru Photo Gallery

And exciting posts that. I get to do, but one part of trouble that, you don’t actually see is when things go wrong there’s a lot of traveling when, you travel there’s a lot of planes trains buses. And waiting around.

And whatever, you have a lot of things that need to coordinate refreshing, you go in other countries. And stuff like that like this one where, you go the airport your place it cancels. And then everything gets all messed up.

And things that, you want to see like myself any guard superballs we’re not going to be going there anymore, you do about it life is still good we’re also eating over a bathtub fish cake. I hope no one orders fish Sophie. I have to show, you these washrooms, this is amazing.

So, you have a choice not male. And female when, you come to this restaurant, you have a choice of heaven or hell. So, this is your hell option we have beautiful thorns.

And hearts. And roses and, this is our heaven option blue. And bright.

And the crackled glass toilet. I feel like number one, but being this washer number two would be that washroom is a familiar sight we’re back at the airport this time we’re actually flying out of Cuzco oh yeah thanks so much for reading.

And. I’m go down right welcome to Cusco Peru. ?

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