New York neighborhood map

LAWYERS. There are over 8,000 lawyers in New York City. The Association of the Bar Legal Referral Service, tel. 575-1810 (hours: 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday), can give you attorneys’ addresses for different problems. Lawyers’ fees are almost always open to negotiation, but you should come to a firm agreement, if possible in writing, before the lawyer does any work for you. Your consulate should have a list of lawyers specializing in international law.

LIQUOR REGULATIONS. Most alcoholic beverages are sold exclusively in licensed liquor stores. Only beer can be bought in supermarkets and grocery stores. Small restaurants that don’t have the expensive permits to serve liquor will usually let you bring your own bottle of wine.

Most liquor stores are open until 9 or 10 p.m. soAetimes even until midnight. They are not open on Sunday (beer is sold on Sunday afternoon only). Another carry-over from Prohibition is the law that bottles (or beer cans) must be concealed in public when drinking. The minimum age for drinking any alcoholic beverage is 18.
If you don’t know where you’ll be staying in New York, you can have mail sent to you in care of General Delivery (poste restante) at the main post office:

Ms. Jane Smith General Post Office General Delivery 380 West 33rd Street New York, N.Y. 10001 American Express also accepts visitors’ mail: c/o American Express 150 East 42nd Street New York. N.Y. 10017

On the left side of the envelope put Client Mail. The mail should be collected within 30 days. Take your passport along for identification.

New York neighborhood map Photo Gallery

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