Portland Metro Map

I left the confinement of the center stall and walked through the bathroom. There were numerous pockets of high EMF levels. They were likely generated from electrical wiring and plumbing. I discovered that one of the room’s highest levels was in the center stall. The exact location women had reported hearing the strange sounds. High EMF can have a variety of effects on people, including paranoia, nausea and confusion. I’m not sure what relationship, if any, the high EMF reading had on past reports, but I did find it curious.

I met up with Bev in the main lobby and we decided to head up to the lower balcony and check out the corridor just outside the entrance. This is another area Wendi mentioned where a few late-working employees reported hearing disembodied voices.

We entered through glass doors and slowly traveled the length of the hall. Blocked off by a glass wall on one side and soundproof doors leading to the balcony on the other, it was an unusually quiet section of the theater.

Bev and I settled into a couple of chairs near the center of the hall, my audio recorder nearby. Over the years, we have investigated some pretty creepy places. This was definitely not one of them. The hallway seemed harmless and far from intimidating. After a few minutes, without apparent response to our questions, we entered into the second floor balcony. Bev and I took seats in the general location where the man was reported to have died.
Of course, weather and climate are extremely important to humans Portland Metro Map and their activities as well. In the case of Haiti, it was the region’s tropical conditions Portland Metro Map that played a major role in the country’s culture and history. Early Europeans settlers were drawn to the Caribbean, where the hot, wet climate favored the growing of tropical crops on large plantations. Midlatitude Europeans were, however, poorly suited for strenuous physical labor in a tropical climate. Who then would work the fields? European plantation owners ultimately turned to Africans, who were brought as slaves to work the fields. Today more than 95 percent of all Haitians can trace their distant ancestry to Africa, and Haiti’s culture is deeply etched with African traits.

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