Seattle Subway Map

Seattle Subway Map To Charlotte

CONTEMPORARY CARPE DIEM 1535 Elizabeth Ave., 704/377-7976,

HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 5-10 P.M., Fri.-Sat. 5-11 P.M., Sun. 10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M.

Carpe Diem holds the title for being one of the first restaurants in Charlotte to serve contemporary fare. In the art nouveau dining room, presentation is as important as taste. It’s not cheap to eat in the dining room (the signature dishbuttermilk fried chicken breast served over spinach and drizzled in black pepper gravywill set you back $19, and the eight-ounce filet of beef with artichoke fritters is $30). The halfprice appetizer menu in the bar (Mon.-Thurs. 5-6:30 P.M.) is a win-win: You get to sample the food while your credit card gets a night off.

Soe the soule conceives a greate delighte in it; therefore Seattle Subway Map shee desires nearness and familiarity with it. Shee hath a greate propensity to doe it good and Seattle Subway Map receives such content in it, as fearing the miscarriage of her beloved, shee bestowes it in the inmost closett of her heart. Shee will not endure that it shall want any good which shee can give it. If by occasion shee be withdrawne from the company of it, shee is still looking towardes the place where shee left her beloved. If shee heard it groane, shee is with it presently. If shee finde it sadd and disconsolate, shee sighes and moanes with it. Shee hath noe such joy as to see her beloved merry and thriving. If shee see it wronged, shee cannot hear it without passion. Shee setts noe boundes to her affections, nor hath any thought of reward. Shee findes recompense enough in the exercise of her love towardes it.

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