Shenyang Map

On the sled, Montaine stayed warm thanks to a small coal-fueled heater, but in the evening, her hands often grew cold, and she warmed them by the stove.

By the end of our expedition, Montaine and Otchum were on such close terms that she could hitch him to a sled and take off on a walk with him, calling out directions. Otchum followed her commands, always understanding them perfectly, even when her pronunciation was less than perfect: gee” ( for right), “yap” (for “haw,” or left), and “hoo” (for “whoa”).

Since the early 1980s, vinicultural growth has exploded, especially Shenyang Map in the region north of Cuesta Grade, which is home to 75 percent of San Luis Obispo Shenyang Map County’s two-hundred-plus wineries. In response to industry expansion, local viticulturists formed the Central Coast Vineyard Team to promote sustainable farming. The group developed a program called Sustainability in Practice (SIP), featuring a rigorous set of standards in areas ranging from environmental stewardship to labor relations. Wineries and vineyards meeting these standards earn SIP certification, which verifies their efforts to protect workers, the environment, and business stability. To date, fifty California wineries, 27,000 vineyard acres, and 300,000 cases of wine have been SIP certified. Click here to view the full image on the web.

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