It’s better than it used to be but you still have a chance of having fake notes passed off on you. Y50 notes are the worst. As a rule of thumb, never accept a Y50 note in change from a taxi driver at night. Fake Y50 notes often lack the silver thread that is on the genuine notes. The other note that can be fake is Y100. If you are not sure, do not accept the note.
Many stores for example 7/11’s have machines on the counter for detecting fake notes.
Also examine your change carefully and do not accept very worn or torn notes. Some people sometimes pass these off to foreigners in the hope that they will not notice, whereas a local person would not accept poor quality notes. If you are given old, torn or taped notes as part of your change and hand them back, taxi drivers and shopkeepers will usually readily replace them as locals frequently reject old or torn notes.
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