Hi guys. And welcome to that, you kill stenotic here eat well technically we’re not in Cancun Mexico anymore, but we are on a diet or day trip outside of pang kun.

So, it’s about 200 kilometres that we’ve gone outside of cancun while we’re in cancun. And now we are doing a trip to do some fun. And exciting things and, this is our first stop the eight Jetson up they left finding, it’s basically a giant water hole sinkhole that was formed because there used to be like lots of like rivers coming through.

THE MAYAN APOCALYPSE Yucatan Mexico Photo Gallery

And this will happens when the ground collapses ground collapses get a sinkhole filled it with water see we’re going see we’re going there yeah yeah yeah we’re gonna go take a swim we’re gonna go take a dip look at what. I have found is a seven wonder of the world well new seventh wonder of the world. And my fifth one.

I I have a proper bucket list. And oh my goodness. So why.

I cannot say, this is beyond me, but we’re at chichen itza in the Yucatan Peninsula, this is one of the like most well-preserved Mayan architectural sites of the Mayan world actually looks really cool with like snow clouds coming in then below that one that one that one that’s the Venus platform that we’re learning about, you dedicate this oh thank, you for joining me today on our thank, you for inviting us. I will put then ssl can’t. I think, it’s like a swim, it’s windy right now.

I just prayed a coke on thank, you yeah welcome to my Viator Tuscany tour of Italy. ?

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