10 Best Travel Destinations 2018

10 Best Travel Destinations 2018

Your task is to know what it really means to you. And, this can change as you change! It’s a case of growing and developing. Even one of refining!

Believe me. My white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) wife of the early 1980s told me that I had been a diamond in the rough as a boy growing up in Anguilla in the 1940s and 1950s. I saw the ever polishing effect in the man she had come to know – a man who was a specially invited guest, who shook the hand of Queen Elizabeth II in 1994.

10 Best Travel Destinations 2018 Photo Gallery

I started out – and, have largely continued – as a cruise traveler. To me, cruise travel is budget travel; for, the way I did it made me budget; all the more so, because it was organised group travel.

The how, where and when were decided for me; and, I was given a period in which to pay up all the expenses related to the cruise through regular installments.

All Anguilla has to thank two retired sisters for introducing cruise travel to the island in the late 1990s. They had gone to New Jersey when young; had visited on school breaks and on vacation as adults; and, returned on their retirement to live out the rest of their days.

They had come back to give back to the community; and, thus, started and joined groups to improve the quality of life and living in their small, beloved homeland.

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