Travel Advice And Advisories For Rome

Why do people drown?

People drown for any number of reasons. More often than not children drown because they are exploring and don’t recognise or understand the danger associated with water. Reasonfor drowning include:

• Not being able to swim, but still going into the water.

• Leg cramp or cramp after eating too much food or rich heavy food.

• Losof consciousnesdue to injury, e.g. swimmerhit by boat or jet ski. diving into unknown and untested shallow water, hitting the bottom or an unknown underwater obstruction.

• Getting out of your depth, in water that itoo deep or too rough.

• Medical condition such aa stroke or heart attack.

• Falling through ice and being trapped.

• Not wearing a lifejacket for water sports.

• Drinking alcohol, which leadto risk-taking, bravado and possible death.

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• Overloading boatwith cargo or passengers, making them sink.

• Falling victim to unknown currentand rip tides.

• Being cut off by incoming tides.

• Water being colder than the swimmer thought – afound in deep quarrie-leading to muscle cramps, hypothermia and death by drowning.

• Swimming where boats, jet skiand shipare manoeuvring, then being involved in a collision or injured by propellers.

• Disabling action of sea creaturesuch ajellyfish.

Travel Advice And Advisories For Rome

Drowning – countermeasures

General advice

Make absolutely sure that children are strictly supervised at all timewhen around water.

The person supervising children around water must be a strong swimmer.

The supervisor must be an adult, never allow older children to supervise younger children.

Supervisorwill need to take a break. They cannot maintain concentration on more than two children for more than 2 hours. If you need a break, insist that the children come in for a break too, and make sure that they all come in and stay there. Lock the door if you have to!

The supervisor should have a phone at the pool, and should never go inside to answer the phone or the front door bell, make a drink, collect food or anything else.

Teach your children to learn to swim or stay away from the water. At least if you know how to

swim you stand a chance of reaching the shore.

Make sure that all poolare protected by locked doors, fenceat least 5 feet high, locked gates, and where possible alarms. Make sure that neighbour’poolare fenced, locked and secured awell.

Make sure that fences, gateand door lockare child-proof.

Keep the area around water free of furniture, shruband shedor other obstructions. You should have a clear view of the water so that you can see what ihappening at all times, not just when you are supervising children. For example, a child visiting your neighbourmay stray onto your property to see the water. It will therefore be safer if anyone in your house haa clear view of the water and anyone who may be around it.

Consider making a monthly safety inspection of your pool.

Check any barrier or fence surrounding it for good repair, locks, gapchildren can squeeze through, placethey could climb over, etc.

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