Viator VIP Exclusive Access to Tower of London and St Pauls Cathedral London

Today we are exploring two of London’s most notable landmarks. The Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral. And we’re doing so with exclusive access on a Viator VIP tour. We’re here nice and early before basically anyone else cuz we’re gonna be seeing the opening ceremony of the Tower of London. He’s the man that makes sure the tower’s secured and he actually carries the Queen’s keys.

Viator VIP Exclusive Access to Tower of London and St Pauls Cathedral London Photo Gallery

The keys have been escorted by the guards and the Tower of London is now officially open. We’re going to be walking through the bustling streets of the city of London. The city is almost 2,000 years old. You’ll see new bits and we’ll se old bits.

We’ve arrived at our second stop, St. Paul’s Cathedral now we’re gonna head in for some more exclusive access. Well it was incredible to get into St. Paul’s at all but to get able to get behind the scenes in those areas of the tour that nobody else sees. You see the workings of the building and how it’s constructed and the library. It was like no other tour I’ve ever been on.

The Triforium is an architectural archive with models and drawings for the cathedral. And only a handful get to come up and see what we’re seeing today. We finished the Triforium, now we’re gonna head up to the very top. Let’s climb.

You can see everything from up here. Big Ben, the Millennium Bridge. Oh what a sight. What an absolutely wonderful day this has been. Having special access to parts of the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral that most people never get to see made this VIP experience truly unique.

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