Visiting Lake Bled Bucket List Destination in SLOVENIA

Hey we’ve got a beautiful view outside our breakfast table we seem to be getting these incredible views from breakfast and, I’m super impressed with this Vito’s breakfast yeah it’s actually super nice. But obviously she has Bob’s skin this place is actually. So beautiful in the snow there is one place that we’ve really really wanted to go. So we’re about to jump on a bus, and head to Lake Bled very excited all right guys a lot of you probably thinking that you have to book a tour like a day tour with the company to go to Lake Bled you don’t it’s super easy just – the SLOVENIA bus station which is like 15 minutes walk outside of the town right next to the train station we came in on there’s like a bus terminal here we’re gonna figure it out for you.

Visiting Lake Bled Bucket List Destination in SLOVENIA Photo Gallery

But just buy a ticket for seven euros please jump on like a public bus to Lake Bled easy it’s my bar tickets if we want to go to Lake Bled yeah. So just return Boston we just got our tickets from this dude here suite number 77. So they come every hour we’re actually catching the 11 o’clock one. Because this is when the snow is meant to be at its like minimal. So we’re gonna probably get there for 12 we should probably be able more than enough time for us to see everything oh man that was way easier than I thought it would be super cheap super quick it drops you off right in front of Lake Bled, I’m pretty sure we just need to walk like 150 meters, and we’re there, I’m so excited to be here this is such a huge bucket list item that we’re about to see just made it down to the lake we’re actually like trying to find where the island was I think just the way that it’s been photographed there must be a certain spot. But it’s there it’s over there, and expect that like hotels on one side of skiing right next to the lake I think we’re gonna walk all the way around the lake. So we can get to the little island which is like the famous thing about Lake Bled in my head is this expecting the circular water massive water pond what if you wanted golly I like it.

So try a lake, and then you could see it. But unless you knew what you’re looking for you can’t see that Island it blends into the mountainside that could. Because it’s winter. But also there’s this beautiful little church just over there we’re the only touristy huh yeah it’s like dead everyone’s skiing instead I wasn’t sure if the lake was gonna be frozen over. But obviously it’s not cold enough to freeze over I’ve never seen a post of like bled with snow before I’ve seen a people maybe in autumn. But I know someone’s gonna watch this, and they’ve been here in summer, and they were like I went on that slide, and it looks crazy to see it with snow. So guys we’re just walking along the lake, and it would come across like our first proper viewpoint of the island all the trees have opened up it is so beautiful, I’m actually really happy we’re here in the winter even if it starts to snow that’s fine. But we have pretty good weather at the moment are you guys we’ve literally walked from all over there, and we just walked all the way around the lake, and we have found the most beautiful photo spot the ground is just covered in snow. But I feel like this is the best vantage point of the island it’s so pretty out here yes cue photos exactly I don’t want to feel like, I’m on holiday oh why are you taking us through the blizzard what are you doing nice I can walk in your feet spots this is very cool. So just jump on the boat, and come across to the island thank you so much chess we made it to the island ready to warp 99 steps yeah guys we just did something or not entirely literally the last boat we jumped on, and have been booked by this Korean tour group. But you got to do what you got to do we want her to see you guys the island that’s the end we did the 99 steps wow there’s the church. So glad we did it it’s 3:30 now is the last boat we can have a coffee on the island. But we have half an hour, and then that’s it no more boats are leaving why are we.

So pop they say that if you get married the guy has to carry the girl all the way up those stairs for the church he’ll know there’s a good bill that you ding, and it’s a wishing well. So you’re doing it, and make a wish I think it’s in this building here. So it’s six years again the church we were to wish her a dress I don’t know do it pull it pull it maybe, I’ll know your wishes like up is it moving totally worth the six-year-old entrance fee okay I think we get access in this as well yeah oh this wasn’t what the husband was meant to carry you up was it this thing this is the view not too much of a view from up yeah there’s our friends quick walk around the island see what else is here, I’m so glad we jumped on that last boat you regained your Lake Bled, and couldn’t show you guys what the island looked like. Because we were taking ceremony photos we were literally there at the right time at the right moment it was meant to be all right let’s go get some coffee 15 minutes of the last boat leaves last call yeah yes. But it looks like a bundt cake wrapped around all different layers it looks, and feels good you got a different flavor that we found every yeah I got big, and Warner sweetbreads Oh bread this is what it looks like like you know the circular bread circular cake okay guys we ended up locking up what do you think that the cafe you know will just be like a tourist pressing thing this is the best coffee we’ve actually had in Europe that is the cafe or with the view wasn’t expecting there to be such a beautiful view from the island it’s definitely worth like it’s definitely worth coming across on the island come, and see it like just to like get the whole Lake Bled experience. Because there’s a whole lot to do there is a hike, I’m pretty sure the hike is up there where you get like a good vantage point of course. Because I sent the drawing up I got a good vantage point of as well.

But it’s winter I don’t know how slippery the hike would be. So that’s why we’ve kind of skipped it, and it’s coming towards the end of the day. But we’ve loved our time yeah definitely worth coming through Slovenia to come check out lately Oh guys this would have been. So funny me, and Jess are renting a boat trying to get to that Island yeah see you later Lake Bled I really enjoyed that that was super fun I mean the question people are asking is like do you come to Slovenia to see this, and definitely like I never recommend someone comes to a country just for one thing. So make sure you like your plants, and other things super awesome. But you never go to a country just for one reason. But if you are in the area of Slovenia checking out label it is well worth it alright don’t judge us I know we’ve already had cake.

But we had half an hour to our bus, and a bunch of you guys recommended that we cannot leave like bled without trying cream cake. Because actually known from this area right yeah like it’s like blitz this angle is very like intense it makes the cake use it as actually using the form, and that are you ready they say it’s meant to taste like an Australian vanilla slice. So Ozzy’s out there oh really good that is the best thing really oh my that is great oh my gosh, I’m actually moving you don’t like it that’s why I can eat alone it is so light, and creamy, and vanilla II talk about it in a custody it is amazing wow that’s the best thing you’ve given. So far guys this is the random pub that we had it at it was just. Because it’s right next to the bus stop that gosh it’s good bad job, I’ll put it in the links links below oh my goodness that is my second best cake of all time carrot cake, and our wedding was number one that is number two that is an incredible cake I can’t rave on about it enough all righty guys we are back home, and around bet that was such a fun day, I’m so glad we got to go, and do that and, I’m so happy how easy it is to get out there, and see it. But we realized we’ve been in Ljubljana, and we actually haven’t really seen it besides that cafe that we went to last night at sunset.

So tomorrow we’re gonna do the full tour for you guys before we catch our next train if you guys are new around here make sure you hit comment give the post a thumbs up, and we will see you tomorrow in Ljubljana.

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