Wyoming Vacations

Wyoming Vacations


This is about one-fourth of the state’s total area, and consists of numerous tracts scattered throughout Wyoming. Many are in the central and western regions.

Included are many mountains, buttes, mesas, scenic canyons such as Sweet Water Canyon, caves, badlands, areas of desert, and grasslands. About 345 miles of the Oregon and Mormon National Historic Trails pass through the lands. Access to some areas is difficult, and detailed brochures or other printed information are not available for most locations.

Activities: Almost all BLM lands are open to hiking and backpacking, as well as horseback riding, but established trails are few. Cross-country travel is often feasible. Mountain biking is generally allowed. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are possible in the winter.

White-water canoeing and rafting are available on the North Platte, Green, and other rivers, as is fishing. Rock climbing is an option in mountain areas, and spelunking (caving) is possible in certain locations, this activity sometimes requiring a permit. Hunting is allowed in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is permitted freely throughout most BLM areas, as are campfires, except where otherwise prohibited. Permits are not necessary for most locations.

For Further Information: Bureau of Land Management, 2515 Warren Avenue, P.O. Box 1828, Cheyenne, WY 82003; (307)775-6256.

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