What I Eat In A Day vegan BEIJING

Hey welcome to breakfast on the bus. I’m very poor timing this Portillo anyway.

I’m going to show, you what we’re having today here in Beijing some got much fruit which is a carrot juice then I’ll have coffee which, you don’t have anymore, it’s very fresh all right guys. So for lunch we are in for a treat now this restaurant is recommended by our taxi driver today it is Linda Lee and, you will see the most famous vegetarian restaurants here in Beijing it has over a hundred years of history basically the menus. And now the chapters remember what.

What I Eat In A Day vegan BEIJING Photo Gallery

I order. So, this is like a bean curd made the bean seeds we’ve got, this is a. I believe, this is an imitation shrimp.

And a fungus. And then this one is jasmine that is going to be very interesting space. I don’t even know how what that’s gonna taste like at all and, this is Chinese yam.

And a red bean paste on top of cucumbers all right. I’ve never eaten. So many flowers before in my life.

And they’re all amazing. So these are dumplings all right. So let me explain what’s the myth.

So, this is pumpkin juice pumpkin juice mixed with flour which is the outside. And then inside is mushrooms oh my gosh. I am so excited to see where of course we got more food. I don’t remember what this was. I ordered rented pilla Taurus.

And grill with snow pea that is this like really like almost like a mix of a jelly. And a tofu all right dinner treats like there’s a lot of people here really good because a lot of famous people come here we’re having another smorgasbord of tasty we’re going to be trying all of these dishes and I do know that they are all vegetarians who really uses a lot.

So this one is a pea cake this one is, you know yellow pea. And eat green pea this one is a steamed rice cake with a sweet stuffing. So these are Chinese yam.

And date rolls. So these are the fried red bean okay these are fried ginger slices, this is Mincha Mincha no idea what that is sir, this is fermented mung bean juice. And this looks like that like a tofu tofu shoot oh these ones have meat in them.

So we won’t be eating them let’s do this let’s try some food Wow, you can’t like a red B’s go Hubbard in sesame. And yeah this tastes. So amazing but.

I don’t know, it’s in it, but, it’s really sweet. And delicious, this is imitation begins with like a spicy imitation. And chicken so.

I’ve picked up a whole lot of healthy food Chinese treats. ?

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