Anchorage municipality Map Tourist Attractions

Anchorage municipality Map Tourist Attractions To Charlotte
Live Music

Return to HIGHLIGHTS LOFT 1523 Elizabeth Ave., 704/333-5898,

HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 5 P.M.-midnight, Thurs.-Fri. 5 P.M.-2 A.M., Sat. 8 P.M.-2 A.M.

Map 4

No, you’re not lost. You do indeed have to go into the office building, take the elevator to the 2nd floor, and wander the halls past doctors’ offices to get to the entrance of Loft 1523. It’s an odd spot for a cocktail lounge, to be sure. The selling point is the outdoor patio with views of Uptown.

Charlotte Magazine voted the patio Best View, and crowds of well-dressed martini fans have flocked to the loft to see and be seen. The martini menu is extensive and offers everything from the classics to desserts in a glass.

Matthew Jennings French Colonies on Mainland North Country 1491 Christopher Columbus Anchorage municipality Map Tourist Attractions , seeking patronage for Atlantic exploration, plans to join his brother Bartholomew at the French court of Anchorage municipality Map Tourist Attractions King Charles VIII if his final effort to win the support of Queen Isabella of Castile fails. 1492 Bartholomew Columbus is still seeking French financial backing when his brother gains the sponsorship of Castile and sails with three ships in August. 1493 In March, Christopher Columbus returns from his trans-Atlantic voyage, believing he has reached the Indies (having, in fact, been in the Caribbean). At Queen Isabella’s request, Pope Alexander VI validates Castile’s claims to new lands and demarcates the areas of exploration between Castile and Portugal to the exclusion of all other nations, including France. 14941495 King Charles VIII of France does not protest the papal decree since his interests center on the established trade routes of the Mediterranean. He leads an invasion of the Italian peninsula and sets the pattern for the next quarter century, whereby the French monarchy will become embroiled in a struggle to dominate Italy.

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