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73,000 acres. This U.S. Army Fort in the southern Atlanta desert includes a portion of the Huachuca Mountains and several canyons. Highest point is 8,410-foot Huachuca Peak. Forests are found at higher elevations.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are allowed on a fair-sized trail network. Trails are open to foot travel only. Some trails may be closed at times because of military exercises.

Camping Regulations: Backpack camping is permitted in most areas, except where otherwise prohibited. Visitors must call (602)533-2714 or 533-2622 in advance to inform the Public Affairs Office of their plans, and to check on possible trail closures.

For Further Information: Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613; (602)533-2922.

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By far the best way of organising a dive is to arrive at your chosen site at least half an hour before the tide is expected to go slack. The size of the tide (neap or springs) has an effect on the actual amount of slack water you can expect on the dive, so a spring tide at places like Whirl Rocks or Seal Gut, where the current is very strong, means that will you get little, if any, slack water at all. A neap tide over Whirl Rocks takes place approximately 1% hours after bottom of the tide at Seahouses harbour, giving you around 20 minutes of slack water, but within another 20 minutes the tide will be running like an express train again. on a spring tide over Whirl Rocks, the slack period is so small that the current seems simply to change direction almost at once. Each small group of islands may have different slack water times at anything between 1/ and 2/ hours after bottom (or top) of the tide at Seahouses, depending also on the size of the tide, so make sure you get there early. The slack water period is an unusual phenomenon to watch when close to the islands like Knavestone and The Callers. Watch as the tide recedes on the ebb at low water and the rocks appear above the surface until they are at their highest point; that is the time when you would expect the tide to have turned, but the rocks submerge again, with the current still ebbing. Then, after about 1% hours, the tide goes slack and soon begins to flow in the opposite direction, on the flood. Crumstone and the Callers are the most southerly group of islands, islets and rocks in the Farnes, with Crumstone situated 0.88 miles ESE ofBrownsman and 3.

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